Phone: (08) 9394 9200
Categories: Child and Youth Services, Family Services,
Provides assistance to children who have been sexually abused, are exhibiting sexualised behaviours or have enacted sexual abuse against others. Available to children up to the age of 18 years. Referral from Department of Child Protection must have been received before counselling commences. However, if no referral has been received then the service can be contacted to discuss options. The perpetrator of the child abuse must be removed from the child homes.
Office locations:
Gosnells – (08) 9394 9200
Joondalup – (08) 9301 8500
Midland – (08) 9374 2409
Rockingham – (08) 9528 0702
Manjimup – (08) 9777 1945
Katanning – (08) 9821 9663
Albany – (08) 9845 6666