The information provided on this website is for general purposes only. While we endeavour to keep the information up to date and correct, we make no representation or warranties of any kind about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the information, products or services. Even though we are able to provide links to other website, we have no control over the nature, content and availability of those sites. The inclusion of any links does not necessarily imply a recommendation or endorsement.
Phone: 1800 469 246
Provides free legal and community support services for Aboriginal families and individuals in Western Australia. This includes legal advocacy, casework, court support and representation in matters related to family violence and sexual assault. They cannot act for perpetrators of violence. The legal matters they assist with include Violence Restraining Orders (VRO’s), criminal injuries compensation, and family law issues such as child recovery orders and parenting plans.
Categories: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Services, Child and Youth Services, Domestic and Family Services, Family Services, Legal Services,
Phone: 1300 555 727
Aboriginal Hostels Limited operates 47 hostels Australia-wide to provide accommodation for Indigenous people who meed to be away from home for a range of reasons. Aboriginal Hostels Limited hostels are safe, comfortable and affordable, offering three meals each day during your stay.
Categories: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Services, Accommodation,
Phone: (08) 9265 6666
Phone: 1800 019 900
Provides legal representation and support services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in Western Australia.
Categories: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Services, General Contacts, Legal Services,
Phone: (08) 9218 8035
Day Dawn Advocacy Centre provides support, advocacy and negotiation on behalf of Aboriginal people. They can provide legal, medical, financial, educational and social services for the Indigenous people of Western Australia. The service is open Mondays to Thursdays from 9:30am until 1pm.
Categories: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Services, Legal Services,
Phone: (08) 9421 3888
East Perth: (08) 9421 3888
Midland: (08) 9374 1400
Mirrabooka: (08) 9344 0444
Maddington: (08) 9452 5333
Provides a wide range of health services including general health, chronic diseases, dental health, environmental health, ear health, retinal eye screening, physiotherapy, podiatry, and stolen generation services
Categories: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Services, Child and Youth Services, Family Services, General Contacts,
Phone: (08) 9416 4444
Holyoake’s approach to counselling and support is to help those affected by alcohol or other drugs, as well as help those closest. This unique approach recognises that the impact of alcohol and other drug problems affects the whole family.
They have a Midland and Victoria Park office.
Categories: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Services, Alcohol and Drug Services, Child and Youth Services, Family Services,
Phone: (08) 9274 7929
This service is provided by and comprises of
Indigo Junction Young People
Our Youth Service offers housing, tenancy support and education. Our goal is to provide a safe place where young people receive the support they need to set goals and work towards a positive future. We provide tailored support which includes specialist referrals, building independent living skills, job readiness and promoting links to education and training.
Services offered at our Youth Service include:
Indi House (Emergency Housing)
Indi Living Youth (Community Housing)
Support and Education
For more information:
Phone: 9274 1611
Indigo Junction Families
The Family Service offers housing, support and education. Our team focuses on empowering families to build on their parenting and independent living skills. We also assist families to connect to specialist supports such as counselling, health and employment services where required. Families are encouraged to set personal goals as well creating a plan towards long term stable housing.
Services offered at the Family Service include:
Indi Place (On site supported housing)
Indi Living Families (Community Housing)
Support and Education
For more information:
Phone: 9250 5256
Indigo Junction Community Service
Karnany Resource Centre is the base for our community service and is ideally located in the heart of Midland. Karnany provides a safe place for people to meet and share their stories. Our team builds an understanding of the person’s needs and connects them with the required services. The following services and programs operate at Karnany:
We provide a space at Karnany for the following services:
We realise that we can’t always offer people the services they require. Through our relationships with different service providers we are able to refer people to the support they need. Visit us and we can have a chat about your situation and create a support plan together.
For more information:
Phone: 9274 7929
Categories: 24hr Emergency Contacts, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Services, Accommodation, Alcohol and Drug Services, Family Services, Financial Services, Tenancy Support Services,
Phone: (08) 9477 4346
Provides financial counselling and a range of other services including emergency relief, financial literacy, counselling, youth programs, and parenting programs for Indigenous families who are at risk and live in Belmont and surrounding areas.
Categories: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Services, Child and Youth Services, Family Services, Financial Services,
Phone: (08) 6174 7000
Moorditj Koort Aboriginal Health and Wellness Centre is part of the Perth South Coastal Medicare Local in the Rockingham Kwinana district. The focus of the organisation is to support health and wellness of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in the Kwinana/Rockingham District.
Moorditj Koort has a range of free specialist and service including, dietitian, Moorditj Djena, diabetes education, pharmacist, alcohol and other drug counselling.
Categories: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Services, Alcohol and Drug Services, General Contacts,
Phone: (08) 9228 4211
The Nyoongar Patrol Outreach Service is a community based service that deals with social and welfare issues within the locations of Burswood, Fremantle, Midland, Northbridge, the Northern Corridor, the South-Eastern Corridor and Vincent. The purposes of the Nyoongar Patrol is to provide early street level interventions to local and remote Indigenous people frequenting public spaces in nominated locations. The target groups are people at risk of coming into contact with the criminal justice system due to various social and welfare issues.
Categories: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Services, General Contacts,
Phone: 1300 364 277
Provides counselling for family and relationships issues, grief and loss. theThey also provide outreach which means that they can come to you if required. Moorditj Yarning has been working closely with Aboriginal people in the Langford/Gosnells and Clarkson/Joondalup areas. There counsellors have experience working with alcohol and drug problems, other health concerns such as diabetes, family and relationship issues, grief, loss and domestic violence.
Categories: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Services, Alcohol and Drug Services, General Contacts,
Phone: (08) 9328 7562
Kambarang Place: Kambarang Place located in the inner city, provides crisis accommodation and casework support for sole Aboriginal women who are escaping family and domestic violence, homelessness or experiencing other life crises. A drug and alcohol caseworker also provides specific assessment and support. Intake is generally Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm.
Categories: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Services, Domestic and Family Services, General Contacts,
Phone: (08) 9235 2400
The Specialist Aboriginal Mental Health Service (SAMHS) Metropolitan supports both Aboriginal consumers and carers in accessing mainstream mental health services, and in better meeting the needs of Aboriginal people.
Located at De Grey House, Graylands Health Campus, SAMHS Metropolitan provides state-wide consultation/liaison with service providers and the community; advocacy for Aboriginal consumers; and operates as a peak body for Aboriginal mental health professionals. SAMHS Metropolitan operates with cultural integrity using strategies to include brokering of elders, and traditional healers to participate in particular clinical cases.
SAMHS Metropolitan is an adult mental health service that provides a ‘whole of family’ approach to service delivery.
Categories: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Services, Mental Health Services,
Phone: (08) 9221 1411
Wungening Aboriginal Corporation provides support and programs to youth, families, men and women (and their children), schools, community groups and to clients within prisons; who are experiencing alcohol and drug use problems. Wungening Aboriginal Corporation services can be accessed via dropping in or making an appointment via phone or a formal referral.
Located at:
211 Royal Street, East Perth
9:00am to 4:00pm (Monday to Friday)
9221 1411
Categories: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Services, Alcohol and Drug Services,
Phone: (08) 9218 9477
Phone: (08) 9221 2733
Aboriginal community based organisation that offers an Indigenous specific, community based, counselling and referral service that acknowledges the impact of colonisation on Indigenous Australians. Yorgum aims to provide a nurturing place and an environment which promotes the cultural strength of Indigenous Australians through a healing process that supports their spiritual, physical, intellectual, and emotional wellbeing.
Yorgum offers the following services:
Categories: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Services, Child and Youth Services, Domestic and Family Services, Family Services, General Contacts,