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Domestic and Family Services

The information provided on this website is for general purposes only. While we endeavour to keep the information up to date and correct, we make no representation or warranties of any kind about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the information, products or services. Even though we are able to provide links to other website, we have no control over the nature, content and availability of those sites. The inclusion of any links does not necessarily imply a recommendation or endorsement.

1800 Respect National Sexual Assualt, Domestic Family Violence Counselling Service

Dealing with sexual assault and domestic and family violence is never easy, but qualified and experienced counsellors can provide information and refer you to services available in your area that can help. telephone counselling is available 24-7, whether you’re seeking help for yourself, a friend or relative, a colleague or a client. Professionals seeking assistance with work – induced trauma are also encouraged.

Categories: 24hr Emergency Contacts, Child and Youth Services, Domestic and Family Services, Emergency and Crisis Care Numbers, Family Services,

Aboriginal Family Law Services

Provides free legal and community support services for Aboriginal families and individuals in Western Australia. This includes legal advocacy, casework, court support and representation in matters related to family violence and sexual assault. They cannot act for perpetrators of violence. The legal matters they assist with include Violence Restraining Orders (VRO’s), criminal injuries compensation, and family law issues such as child recovery orders and parenting plans.

Categories: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Services, Child and Youth Services, Domestic and Family Services, Family Services, Legal Services,

Angelhands – Recovery from Extreme Trauma

Angelhands helps people recover from extreme trauma. Angelhands provides clinical and medical therapies that focus on the individual and their symptoms. The service helps people regain their strength and confidence, and reconnect with their communities.

Categories: Domestic and Family Services, General Contacts, Legal Services,

Anglicare WA – Young Heart Child Counselling Service (Rockingham)

Anglicare WA – Young Heart Child Counselling Service runs in Rockingham to provide a counselling service to women, children and their non-offending family members and takes place in a neutral, secure and supportive environment to enable children to explore their feelings surrounding violence and abuse. Young Hearts ensures that the counselling experience for children is safe, positive, supportive and helpful. The group work sessions address behaviour which may be the result of being exposed to or experiencing violence or abuse. Young Heart Child Counselling Service is for children up to and including 18 years old, and women who have experienced or have been witness to some for of domestic violence.

Categories: Child and Youth Services, Domestic and Family Services,

Anglicare WA Counselling

Counselling is offered by trained professionals who can assist with a wide variety of issues. Counselling can be provided to individuals, couples or families. Counselling is available at Anglicare sites across WA. Anglicare WA also offer telephone counselling for people who cannot attend in person, including those who live in rural or remote regions.

Categories: Domestic and Family Services, Family Services, General Contacts,

Anglicare WA Reclaiming Our Lives

Reclaiming Our Lives is a group program that supports women who have been or are victims of family and domestic violence. The program consists of eight two-hour sessions held at a safe venue, where you can share and talk openly about yourself, your relationships and your family. The program provides information about domestic violence but also encourages participating women to support each other emotionally and practically.

Office Locations:

Albany – 9845 6666

Broome (Regional Offices) – 9194 2400

East Perth – 1300 114 446

Joondalup – 9301 8500

Karratha (Main Office) – 9143 1880

Kununarra – 9166 5000

Categories: Domestic and Family Services, Family Services, General Contacts,

Centrecare Counselling for Adolescents and Parents (CAPS)

Provides a counselling service for parent/caregivers, children and teenagers aged 12 to 18 years old, to find solutions to conflicts they may be experiencing. Issues may include: abuse or violence in the family, adolescent development issues, relationship conflicts, communication difficulties, drug and/or alcohol use, school or friendship related issues, sexuality issues or adolescent mental health issues. The service provides individual counselling and/or family counselling, along with workshops, seminars and school based programs that aim to assist and educate both young people and their family.

Categories: Child and Youth Services, Domestic and Family Services, Family Services, General Contacts,

Communicare – Breathing Space

Breathing Space offers a behaviour change program to men who have been abusive in their intimate partner relationships. The services therapeutic community provides men with approximately three (3) months of accommodation while they undertake an intensive therapeutic program including group work, individual counselling and case management in their behaviour change journey.

Categories: Accommodation, Domestic and Family Services,

Crisis Care Helpline

The Department for Child Protection and Family Support’s after hours service, Crisis Care Unit, operates twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

This telephone service prioritises child protection concerns. It also provides information, advice, support and intervention for people in crises and needing urgent help. Types of crises addressed by the service include child protection concerns, family and domestic violence, suicidal ideation and homelessness.

Crisis Care Unit assists callers experiencing homelessness by providing information and advice. In exceptional and unforeseen circumstances, support is provided for callers to access short-term crisis accommodation.

Categories: 24hr Emergency Contacts, Child and Youth Services, Domestic and Family Services, Emergency and Crisis Care Numbers, General Contacts,

Domestic Violence Advocacy Service

DVAS Central is a free service which helps women who have experienced, or are at risk of domestic violence, access support. DVAS provides people with a safe and friendly environment to access advocacy, legal and DCP services.

All services at Domestic Violence Advocacy Service provides within the context of a supportive and safe environment. All Women’s Health & Families Service staff members are female, and can provide assistance with:
  • Discussing available options
  • Applying for a restraining order
  • Obtaining support and advices from Legal Aid
  • Referrals to other agencies (including counselling services & DCP)

Categories: Domestic and Family Services, General Contacts,

Domestic Violence Liaison Officer (WA Police) (24 hrs)

Provides support to victims of family violence by providing information on relevant laws/community intervention

Categories: 24hr Emergency Contacts, Domestic and Family Services,

Family Support Network

Assessment and coordination of services to support individuals and families to meet their goals and keep children safely at home.


Cannington/Armadale:  1300 038 850

Midland/Perth: 1300 038 380

Mirrabooka/Joondalup 1300 760 691

Fremantle/Rockingham 1300 951 190

Categories: Child and Youth Services, Domestic and Family Services, Family Services, General Contacts,

Fremantle Community Legal Centre

Provides information, options, support and advocacy to empower individuals and families with the knowledge and skills to take control of their own financial situation. Provides advice on legal issues in family law, domestic violence retraining orders and general legal issues. Open Monday – Friday 9 am to 4 pm. Must make appointment. It is for families who are low income and disadvantaged also low income families who do not meet Centrelink criteria. Must be living in the Fremantle area.

Categories: Domestic and Family Services, Family Services, Financial Services, Legal Services,

Gosnells Community Legal Centre

Provides counselling, advocacy, and referral for families or individuals experiencing financial crisis. They can assist with preparing household budgets. They can also can provide advice on matters relating to Family law, Domestic violence and child support.

Categories: Domestic and Family Services, Family Services, Financial Services, General Contacts, Legal Services,

Men’s Domestic Violence Helpline

The Men’s Domestic Violence Helpline is a state wide 24 hour service.  This service provides counselling for men who are concerned about becoming violent or abusive.  The service can provide telephone counselling, information and referral to ongoing face to face services if required.  Information and support is also available for men who have experienced family and domestic violence.

Categories: 24hr Emergency Contacts, Domestic and Family Services, General Contacts,

Midland Information, Debt and Legal Advocacy Service (MIDLAS)

Provides information, options, support and advocacy to empower individuals and families with the knowledge and skills to take control their own financial situation. MIDLAS also offers a free legal service on assisting victims of family and domestic violence. This includes initial assistance and advice in family law (excluding property) and criminal injury compensation. if they are not able to assist they maybe able to provide appropriate referrals to a suitable, alternative legal practitioner.

Categories: Domestic and Family Services, Financial Services, Legal Services,

RSPCA (Pets in Crisis)

The RSPCA is an independent, non-government community-based charity providing animal care and protection services. The RSPCA’s mission is to prevent cruelty to animals by actively promoting their care and protection.

Contact RSPCA WA: 1300 RSPCA 2 (1300 777 222)

The Pets in Crisis program offers a temporary home for pets from households experiencing family and domestic violence while their owner seeks refuge or temporary accommodation of their own. This helps to alleviate some of the logistical stress of removing themselves and their loved ones from a dangerous home environment. The service, available via referral only by a case worker or healthcare professional, is free and is open to all domestic pets including cats, dogs and pocket pets (rabbits, guinea pigs, mice etc.) for up to three months.



Categories: Domestic and Family Services, Domestic Pets, General Contacts,

RUAH – Harmony Place

Harmony Place: Harmony Place located in the inner city has six on-site crisis units, providing crisis accommodation and casework support to women with dependent children, who are escaping family and domestic violence or homelessness. Priority is given to those escaping FDV. Intakes to the service are generally Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm.

Email: HarmonyPlace@ruah.com.au

Categories: Accommodation, Domestic and Family Services, Family Services, General Contacts,

RUAH – Kambarang Place

Kambarang Place:  Kambarang Place located in the inner city, provides crisis accommodation and casework support for sole Aboriginal women who are escaping family and domestic violence, homelessness or experiencing other life crises.   A drug and alcohol caseworker also provides specific assessment and support. Intake is generally Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm.

Email: KambarangPlace@ruah.com.au

Categories: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Services, Domestic and Family Services, General Contacts,

Women’s Domestic Violence Helpline

The Women’s Domestic Violence Helpline is a state wide 24 hour service. This service provides support and counselling for women experiencing family and domestic violence. This includes phone counselling, information and advice, referral to local advocacy and support services, liaison with police if necessary and support in escaping situations of family and domestic violence. The service can refer women to safe accommodation if required.

Categories: 24hr Emergency Contacts, Domestic and Family Services, Family Services, General Contacts,

Women’s Information Service

The Women’s Information Service offers free, confidential information for women throughout Western Australia.

The free telephone service operates from 9.00am to 4.00pm on week days. It provides information and referrals about issues such as health, finances, legal matters, counselling and domestic violence.

Categories: Domestic and Family Services, General Contacts, Legal Services,

Women’s Legal Service WA

Women’s Legal Service WA is a community legal centre which provides legal assistance to women experiencing disadvantage in our core practice areas including:

  • Family law (children’s issues)
  • Family law (divorce applications)
  • Family violence (identifying and responding to family violence, including restraining order advice)
  • Care and Protection (Department of Communities, Child Protection and Family Support matters)
  • Criminal injuries compensation (relating to family violence and/or sexual assault)

Email: info@wlswa.org.au

Visit: www.wlswa.org.au

Categories: Domestic and Family Services, Family Services, General Contacts, Legal Services,

Yorgum Aboriginal Corporation

Aboriginal community based organisation that offers an Indigenous specific, community based, counselling and referral service that acknowledges the impact of colonisation on Indigenous Australians. Yorgum aims to provide a nurturing place and an environment which promotes the cultural strength of Indigenous Australians through a healing process that supports their spiritual, physical, intellectual, and emotional wellbeing.

Yorgum offers the following services:

  • child sexual abuse treatment service
  • family violence program
  • community development
  • grandmother’s group
  • link-up service
  • counselling (in the areas of family violence, grief and loss, sexual assault, crisis/trauma, relationships, Aboriginal identity, and specialised cultural therapeutic practises).

Categories: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Services, Child and Youth Services, Domestic and Family Services, Family Services, General Contacts,