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Domestic Pets

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RSPCA (Pets in Crisis)

The RSPCA is an independent, non-government community-based charity providing animal care and protection services. The RSPCA’s mission is to prevent cruelty to animals by actively promoting their care and protection.

Contact RSPCA WA: 1300 RSPCA 2 (1300 777 222)

The Pets in Crisis program offers a temporary home for pets from households experiencing family and domestic violence while their owner seeks refuge or temporary accommodation of their own. This helps to alleviate some of the logistical stress of removing themselves and their loved ones from a dangerous home environment. The service, available via referral only by a case worker or healthcare professional, is free and is open to all domestic pets including cats, dogs and pocket pets (rabbits, guinea pigs, mice etc.) for up to three months.



Categories: Domestic and Family Services, Domestic Pets, General Contacts,